Adobe captivate 9 responsive project
Adobe captivate 9 responsive project

adobe captivate 9 responsive project adobe captivate 9 responsive project

The situation for the score slide is different. The project League has incomplete quiz master slides. It has also an incomplete Results master slide. The project Aspire has several example MCQ slides, only one of them is using a dedicated master slide. Mostly images are lacking, but since you are dealing now with Fluid Boxes, it will need some knowledge of that workflow to reproduce the look of the quiz and score slides. A second group (Earth, Rhapsody and Wired) has master slides but only partially similar to the example slides. That group includes the projects Safety, Wellbeing and Alliance. Similar to the non-responsive projects, there are QSPs (Quick Start Project) with a fully developed theme, including dedicated master slides for the score slide and the quiz slides. Items marked in red need some explanation, have a look at the Tips below TIPS You can find a similar overview like the one provided for the non-responsive projects in this downloadable table: The number of Quick Start Project with a responsive (fluid boxes) set up is more limited than for the non-responsive projects.

#Adobe captivate 9 responsive project download#

You will be able to download a table, with the same indications as in the first post.

adobe captivate 9 responsive project

It is a relief to see that the situation is better for the used themes. This second part refers to the responsive versions of the Quick Start Projects. If the Results master slide has not been created in a theme (as was the case for multiple QSPs) you’ll not be able to get them in your project, unless by using the long workaround I explained in that post. For the Score slides the situation is even worse, because they cannot be inserted as ready-to-go slide, they will appear automatically after insertion of a quiz slide, or after setting up the Quiz Preferences to show a score slide (for scored objects). The conclusion was not very positive, because most themes didn’t include the necessary master slides to allow you to create all types of quiz slides with the theme look/design. Recently I posted about using Quiz slides as ready-to-go slides from the available Quick Start projects, in their non-responsive version.

Adobe captivate 9 responsive project